Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This will be our last and final post from Barrie Curbside.

We would like to thank every one of you who helped us out and enjoyed reading out blog. We had some fun with it but it was alot of work.
We just want to recap a few learning points:

-          Having free range over the topic and the direction this blog could go
-          Learning about the different tactics to promote a blog
-          Google Adsense
-          Creativity & language that we put behind each post
-          The topic we choose (weren’t passionate- made it more like work rather than enjoyable)
-          The templates of the blog
Future of Blogging for Teresa & Helen:
-          Business communications
-          Creating networks
-          Expression
Topics that our blog covered:
-          Retail sales
-          Bar events
-          Advice & tips
-          Coupons
-          Featured Movies
-          Must join Facebook Groups
-          And many more funny and interesting posts

Get him to The Greek

For those of you who haven't seen this movie in theatres, it is now out and available for purchase or rent. It is absolutely hilarious....! The movie stars the recently married Russell Brand and Jonah Hill. They combine their talents and hilarious personalities for one of the wildest road trips yet.

Check out this fabulous trailer from the movie. (Pg 14 or rated R... either way viewer discrection is advised)


Exam season is just around the corner. We know you are all counting down the days left of the semester but we are here to offer you some tips to survive crunch time. These methods we have used over the past 4 years, and have worked for us.
   - Only read the text material once
   - Make indepth notes on the textbook material so you don't have to go back to the text
   - Read notes over
   - Each time you read the notes you will remember more and more
   - Try to erase at least 3 points each time you read the notes, this will continually condense the notes to areas of concentration
   - Team up with other students to share notes and maximize efficiency

Hopefully these tips help, and you can always sell these notes with your textbook to other students for next year! Anything to earn an extra buck right ;) And when in doubt... Choose B

Georgian College Events (Barrie Campus)

Most of the viewers here at the blog have Facebook access, so here is a vitally important group to join and follow.

This group will keep you posted on sporting activities, bar nights at the TLC, free movie nights, events and fundraisers in the lobbies, giveaways and more.
To get the most of your college careers students should participate in any many activites related to school and through the campus as possible. You can get the experiences back when you start working in a stuffy, boring office. Take advantage of every opportunity that the college has to offer. Enjoy!

Snow Season... Help us out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The freezing cold snow season is just about upon us. We want to know what you do to enjoy the snow and winter?

Do you ski or snowboard? Or do you stay inside as much as possible?

Please use the comment section below to tell us what you do each winter to survive and have fun!!!!!!
Thanks for all the suggestions xo H&T

Our suggestion is Collingwood and The Blue Mountains

Employment Fair

This event is a little far away but its definitely one you want to make on your calendar far in advance.
The National Job Fair & Training Expo presents Canada's best and largest public recruitment event in Toronto and Montreal every year.

 As student the opportunity to attend an event like this could unviel immense opportunities. We highly suggest you attend this event and see what it has to offer on April 6 & 7th.

We would like to share show tips with you in order to be prepared for this event:
   - Print off alot of resumes and cover letters
   - Research a number of companies that will be there, and why you feel you are the best candidate for this company
   - Be prepared to answer tough questions about experience, education and knowledge
   - Come up with a list of questions that may make you a memorable interviewee
   - Interview right on the the spot... Yes right on the spot

There are 3 types of interviews that could happen during the fair
   - Screening (2-3 minutes), Mini (5-10 minutues) and Full (20-30minutes +)
Your previous preparation will assist in the ease of this interview.

This is a great opportunity and all students should take advantage of this job fair!

Don't Drink & Drive

As the holiday season is fast approaching, holiday festivities and parties surround us. Whether is your favourite group of friends home for college or your staff Christmas party... It is important to plan ahead.
Drinking and Driving is not worth the risk!       - Call a cab
       - Have a designated driver
       - Get a hotel
You as drivers have options, so don't make the wrong choice!

Have a safe & happy holiday!!!! H&T